Tuesday 10 November 2015

What does your office desk look like

How clean is your office desk? Now am not talking about the office in general I am talking about your own desk. How neat do you keep it even when the work load is so much that you are about to expload? Is it always neat or scattered.

Like I always say working in a neat environment keep one sane, organized, focused etc this is so cause you don't have to start looking for your pen, or a document you know where it is neatly kept but when your desk is in a mess you get faustrated and confused.

Let us try keeping our office desk so neat so that even your client would not have to help you look for your pen to sign on a document.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Bad Habit

Sometimes we live in houses like tenants instead of living like house owners. When you live in a house like tenants uncontiously we tend to make the place a mess when leaving which is bad. Putting your self in such condition would make you understand how it feels. What would you do when you rent a new apartment as dirty as this? Let us learn to live in houses rented or owned as owners by being a good custodian of the apartment and if it is too much work get Wendygold to be in charge.